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Vice Presidential Candidates

Alan Peter Cayetano

               In a March 2013 interview on Mornings @ ANC, Alan Peter Cayetano said "I want to be president of this country. I think I can do something great for God and his people." By March 2014, he formed a team to prepare for the campaign. By October 2014, Cayetano said "With the present ratings, who would run?" after a Pulse Asia poll suggests that he is doing poorly. Cayetano clarified though that is not withdrawing from the race.

               A month later, Cayetano said that he is not in a rush to make a decision for the 2016 election, after fellow Nacionalista Senator Trillanes revealed that Cayetano was being considered by their party to run; Cayetano pointed out that it seems that it is Binay who is in a hurry to become president. On March 2015, Cayetano said that "If I do run, I'll run for President and not for Vice President," removing him from the vice presidential candidate discussion.

On September 16, Cayetano told reporters that he is giving up his plans to run for the presidency in 2016, but hasn't closed his doors for a vice presidential campaign, preferring either to be the running mate of Mar Roxas or Rodrigo Duterte.

                Senator Alan Peter Cayetano, announced that he will seek candidacy for running as Vice President. Cayetano, who he is the member of Nacionalista Party, did not mention his Presidential running-mate as NP will meet in a few days, for their decision.

Francis Escudero

               In a Rappler interview published in April 2012, Senator Francis Escudero said that "Let me be honest, candid, yet factual about it. I would be very interested in seeking a higher office in 2016 for the simple reason that I’m halfway through my last term." On November 2014, Escudero said that he was still unsure of his plans for 2016, and that he would decide on the issue about a year before the election. By May 2015, Escudero admitted that he had discussed with Poe on their possible tandem for the election. Escudero has not yet decided on whether to run for a higher post or not, although Poe said that they would not run against each other.

               On September 17, a day after Poe announced her candidacy for the presidency, at the Club Filipino in San Juan, Escudero announced his vice presidential bid, becoming Poe's running mate.

Antonio Trillanes

                In the news program Bandila's May 30, 2014 segment where a guest is asked to answer only "yes" or "no," Senator Antonio Trillanes IV was asked if he would run for vice president in 2016 and responded by saying "Let’s just say yes, I will run. As for what position, I will abide by the Nacionalista Party."

                Almost a year later, Trillanes announced his preference to run as vice president in a weekly forum at the Senate. As with his May 2014 statement, he says that he will submit to the decision of the Nacionalistas, which would meet sometime before the end of April 2015. Amongst the Nacionalista Party's options are fielding its own standard bearer, form a coalition with the Liberals, or adopt an independent candidate.

                By August 2015, Trillanes bared his plans of running as an independent vice presidential candidate, saying that the Nacionalistas would not endorse a candidate if more than one of them ran for the vice presidency. Trillanes' own group, Magdalo, his backing his vice presidential bid.

Leni Robredo

               On August 2015, Leni Robredo, representative from Camarines Sur and widow of former Interior and Local Government Secretary Jesse Robredo, remarked that plans of her running for public office in 2016 was "too soon", and that the only thing that would convince her to run was if "I'm indispensable". A week later, Mar Roxas said that he would still have to talk to her, but he recognizes her abilities, and that should be considered.

               By September, while attending the 101st anniversary of North Cotabato, said that "Running for the country’s second highest post was never an option", and that she "never dreamed of becoming a vice president". She instead wanted either Alan Peter Cayetano or Vilma Santos to run for vice president, instead, and that she would rather defend her seat in the House of Representatives, or run for the Senate.

               Before the regional cluster meeting of Liberal Party, Sen. Franklin Drilon announced that Robredo will be the party's vice presidential candidate. On an event held in the Club Filipino in San Juan, last October 5, 2015, Robredo accepted the offer to be Mar Roxas' running mate.

Ferdinand Marcos, Jr.

                Asked in a November 2012 interview on radio DZBB if he is going to run for president, Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. said he is not closing his doors and "There’s a saying, ‘Never say never,’ so maybe." By June 2013, Nacionalista Party president Manny Villar advised his party-mates who were openly talking about their plans for the 2016 election not to talk about it as it was too early.

                His mother, Ilocos Norte Representative and former First Lady Imelda Marcos revealed he wants him to run so he can follow the footsteps and continue the legacy of his father, former President Ferdinand Marcos. She also added that he is fit for the position because "He has an impressive track record and a good vision for the country."

In another radio interview, this time at DZMM AM on March 2015, Marcos said that "we will thoroughly study everything," when asked about people clamoring for him to run. He added that the "default setting" for him in 2016 is to defend his Senate seat. This means that he will surely participate in the 2016 elections, but unclear on what position.

                On late August, Marcos said that he is open on becoming Jejomar Binay's running mate, but clarified that he remained undecided on his plans for 2016. Marcos, on an interview at Headstart at the ABS-CBN News Channel, said that "The discussions I have been having with different groups, with other individuals have really centered on higher office", pointing out that he would not run for a second term as senator, but would instead be running either for president or vice president.

                In a press statement released to the media in October 5, 2015, Marcos said that he declared his vice presidential bid in 2016, under the Nacionalista Party, although he will support for Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte, if he will run for president. He was also eyeing to be the running mate of Vice President Binay. Few days after, he formally declared his vice presidential bid at the Puerta Real Garden in Intramuros, Manila. The declaration was also attended by Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada and Senator Juan Ponce Enrile. On October 15, two days after he filed his COC, Presidentiable Miriam Defensor-Santiago accepted Marcos to be her running mate.

                 On February 4, 2016, The Campaign Against the Return of the Marcoses to Malacañang (CARMMA), was launched to oppose the vice presidential candidacy of Marcos. CARMMA was formed by human rights victims and political prisoners during the Martial Law period in the 1970s under the administration of Former President and Bongbong's father Ferdinand Marcos.

Gregorio Honasan

                Senator Gregorio Honasan denied there were plans for him to be Jejomar Binay's running mate on September 2015, saying that "I have not considered it."By October 5, Honasan said that a tandem with Binay was possible, saying that ""I will subordinate myself to the decision of the party."

                On October 11, Senator Honasan announced that he will be the running mate of Binay. He filed his candidacy in the COMELEC Office a day later.

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